I am drawing a bar plot of means for a diversity index for a study i have done. I have calculated the index for each sample and added it to my table (which i orignally read in). I then calculated the index means for two different environments and plotted those means. However, i cannot work out how to add error bars.i understand ggplot2 is a useful tool for doing this, but cannot get my head around the explanation.
SO, basically trying to take the means of two values from a table, and plot a bargraph with error bars. this is my code at the moment
mean Shannon of river and lake
`mean_river <- mean(parasite_data$Shannon.index[1:24])
mean_lake <- mean(parasite_data$Shannon.index[25:43])`
matrix of means #
Shannon_mean <- matrix(c(mean_river, mean_lake),
nrow = 1, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("mean"), c("River","Lake")))
plot graph #
# name axis
xlab = "Environment", ylab = "Shannon Diversity Index",
# title of graph
main = "Diversity of Parasites found on Fish from River
and Lake Environments",
# size of title text and colour of bars #
cex.main = 1, col = "gray80")`
like i said, i have attempted to use ggplot, but cannot read the data in correctly. any help would be appreciated.