I'm trying to plot soil types of a sonic log against soil types of a Drillers log at 0.5m increments of depth down to however deep the whole is.
Each Sonic Log Corresponds to multiple Driller logs. I have arranged the data so that each incremental depth of sonic log corresponds to that increment of the closest Drillers logs.
I've formating the data so that the soil types correspond to a number, and then merged the data with a colour column I made using
So that the colour creates a gradient dependant on the particle size of the soil type then I merged that data with my sonic data, and drill data
Now I want to plot the depth increments on the y-axis, the Sonic and corresponding Driller logs on the x axis, and the colour code of the soil type as fill for the bar at each increment, up the y-axis.
this way you can directly compare approximately how closely the drillers' logs match the sonic logs, based on how closely the colours correspond.
PROBLEM BEING I Have started learning R this week, and when I can't figure out how to make the colours apply to the increments.
Help I'm A No0ob
also, there are over 4000 rows of data so send help ahahahah
here's an example of kinda wanna achieve, but thus far it's way over my head: http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/sharpshootR/aggregate-soil-color.html