I have to combine datasets. They are .sav files, and I have 6-7 datasets per month, per year - a total of 13 years. That's a lot of datasets to import and combine, and I want to automate this using loops.
As I'm a beginner, I wrote the first loop to simply combine the datasets for one year (so only looping over the months). This was my code, and it did what I wanted perfectly. It's not the fastest and for sure not the prettiest or most efficient, but it worked. Note: I shortened the "C..." path in the code posted for brevity: in my real code it's the full path.
for (m in months) {
setwd(paste("C:.... survey\\DANE 2005\\",m,sep=""))
files_2005 <- list.files(path=(paste("C:\....survey\\DANE 2005\\",m,sep="")), pattern=("Area.*.sav"))
#for (i in (paste("files_",m,sep=""))){
df_2005 <- lapply(files_2005, read_sav)
assign(paste("DANE2005_",m,sep=""), df_2005 %>% reduce(rbind.fill))
df_2005 <- mget(ls(pattern="DANE2005_"))
dane_2005 <- df_2005 %>% reduce(rbind.fill)
And here is my current code, looping over years & months (thanks to @Onyambu for the comments). However, it still does not work; if I dont use setwd R says that the "current file does not exist in the directory" (and refers back to my main directory, not the path specified). If I do use setwd, I get the "cannot change working directory" error.
for (y in years) {
for (m in months) {
#Go to a folder per year/month
path <- paste("C:.... survey\\DANE ",y,"\\",m,sep="")
#Create a list of all the files in that folder by month, based on a pattern
list_data<-list.files(path=path, pattern=("Area.*.sav"))
#Read in all the files in the folder by month, based on the list
df_2005 <- lapply(list_data, read_sav)
#bind the files for one month together based on the list
assign(paste("DANE2005_",m,sep=""), df_2005 %>% reduce(rbind.fill))
#Bind together all the files for one year
df_2005 <- mget(ls(pattern="DANE2005_"))
dane_2005 <- df_2005 %>% reduce(left_join)
Any help is much appreciated.
EDIT: cleaned up the code and re-posed the question for clarity after initial comments.