I'm trying to work with a JSON file in R, but unfortunately the JSON file is unreadable by jsonlite in its current state. It's missing commas between the objects(arrays elements?). My objective is to form a data frame from this almost-JSON file. Example JSON file, code, and result below.
> jsondata = fromJSON("asdf.json")
Error in parse_con(txt, bigint_as_char) :
parse error: after array element, I expect ',' or ']'"Heading":280,"Speed":124} {"Source":"ADSB","Id":43062,"Fl
(right here) ------^
After inserting comma's between the objects in the JSON file, it works no problem.
> jsondata = fromJSON("asdf.json")
> names(jsondata)
[1] "Source""Id""FlightId""Latitude""Longitude""Alt"
How do I insert commas throughout this JSON file between all of the curvy brackets? (i.e. "}{" -->"},{" Or is there another way for R to read my incomplete JSON file?
I'm less than a novice, so any help is much appreciated, thanks!!