I'm trying to get specific font sizes for scatterplots based of Nature guidelines. I'm told to keep all my point sizes for text at 7 so I've used par(ps = 7)
. However, I need a different font size for the main title. I need 8 point font size. I understand I can use cex.main
but I'm so confused about the ratios to get that exact point size. Can someone tell me how to get exactly 8 point font size for the title.
Here is my code for one of the graphs:
par(mfrow=c(2,2), ps = 7)
#Plot for Confirmed Tick Data
plot(tick1_data$Year, tick1_data$average_cases,
main = "a",
cex.main = 1/1.14, ## I'm not sure this is giving me 8 point font size ##
type = "p",
pch = 19,
cex = 2,
col = '#BF0436',
xlab = "",
ylab = "Average Confirmed Cases",
ylim = c(0,308),
bty = "n",
xaxt = "n")
mtext(side = 1, text = "Year", line = 5)
par(bty = "n")
axis(side = 1, at = seq(2006, 2017, by = 1), las = 2)
rect(2004, -10, 2100, 50, border = NA, col = "#d3d3d365")
lines(spline(2005:2017, tick1_data$average_cases, n = 100), col= "#BF0436", lwd = 2)