I'm trying to calculate density within a shapefile, but I'm fairly confident I'm doing it wrong. The idea is to figure out which geographical regions there have been the most sales by density.
Here is a link to the file that I use (testdata.shp)
sample <- st_read("testdata.shp")
sample$area <- st_area(sample$geometry)
density_calc <-sample %>% st_buffer(0) %>% group_by(areas) %>% summarise(`Sales (density)` = sum(sales)/sum(area))
Here are the details of the shapefile:
Geometry set for 2106 features
geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
dimension: XY
bbox: xmin: -120.0065 ymin: 35.00184 xmax: -114.0396 ymax: 42.00221
epsg (SRID): 4326
proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
I guess my issue is, I don't really know what is right and wrong, so I have no clue if I did it correctly.
Sorry if it's not the most extensive question, I just don't remember my high school geometry that well!