I want to use ggplot to generate time plot by each year-quarter, but only years are shown on the x-axis. Q1, Q2, Q3,Q4 all missing? How to solve this problem.
A tibble: 6 x 7
Year Quarter Revenue CGS Gross_Profit_M Disp_Income_B YQ
1 1995 1 1275. 1080. 195. 16351. 1995 Q1
2 1995 2 1438. 1228. 210. 16481. 1995 Q2
3 1995 3 1929. 1672. 257. 16695. 1995 Q3
4 1995 4 2576. 2246. 329. 16865. 1995 Q4
5 1996 1 1637. 1387. 250. 17122. 1996 Q1
6 1996 2 1779. 1510. 268. 17400. 1996 Q2
ggplot(X02_4m_bb, aes(x=YQ, y=Revenue, group=1)) + geom_line()