So basically I am trying the following loop:
rawData = read.csv(file = "SampleData.csv")
companySplit = split(rawData, rawData$Company)
NameOfCompany <- numeric()
DateOfOrder <- character()
WhichProducts <- numeric()
for (i in 1:length(companySplit)){
company_DateSplit = split(companySplit[[i]], companySplit[[i]]$Date)
for (j in 1:length(company_DateSplit)){
WhichProducts[j] <- (paste0(company_DateSplit[[j]]$ID, collapse=","))
DateOfOrder[j] <- (paste0(company_DateSplit[[j]]$Date[1]))
NameOfCompany[j] <- (paste0(companySplit[[i]]$Company[[1]]))
df <- data.frame(NameOfCompany,DateOfOrder, WhichProducts)
write.csv(df, file = "basket.csv")
If you check basket.csv there is output for only company D. It is not writing because of nesting of for loops I guess. I am not able to get out of it.
I need exact output as basket.csv but for all companies.
Here are the CSVs:
The output should look like this:
Company,Date, All IDs comma seperated.
I'm able to get it from the above code. But Not able to save it in CSV for all A,B,C,D companies. It saves values for only company D which is the last value in looping. (check output file link)