I simplified the problem to below and I know in normal circumstances, I would not use nested foreach
loop and I should really use nested for loop. However, I would like to know how this could be done using foreach
loop or is it just impossible ?
processedAndTransformed <- function(j){
df <- rnorm(25)
return(matrix(df * j,ncol=1) )
# in normal circumstances, use for loop
for(j in c(2,4,7,9)){
res <- foreach(i = 1:4,.combine = "cbind")%dopar%{
Now, my attempt to convert the outer for loop to foreach
loop is below. Please note that the ** write.csv
**function is inside the outer foreach
loop but outside of the inner loop.
# below code fails
foreach(j = c(2,4,7,9))%:%
res <- foreach(i = 1:4,.combine = "cbind")%dopar%{
The whole thing just fails. I do not understand why and how to correct it.
Update: Should be writing to a different file.