I am trying to extract financial data from Yahoo Finance. When I am running, it is giving error
"Error in tokenize(css) : Unexpected character '$' found at position 19"
urlYCashflow <- "https://au.finance.yahoo.com/quote/MSFT/cash-flow?p=MSFT"
webpageYCashflow <- read_html(urlYCashflow)
node1 <- webpageYCashflow %>%
html_nodes('D(tbr).fi-row.Bgc($hoverBgColor):h') %>%
Is there any way to avoid $ by replacing it in XML document or any other suggestion, please? I also tried xpath tag but every time result is character(0).
node1 <- webpageYCashflow %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[3]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[7]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/span') %>%