I am creating a variable that should grow the previous observation of the variable at a specified growth rate. I am doing this with a case_when statement in R. This is my code so far:
consolidated_balances_comp %>% mutate(
fee = 0.05/12,
class_start = case_when(
date == "2011-01-31"& lead(fund_name,1) == fund_name ~ balances * (1+lead(returns, 1))/2,
TRUE ~ 0
benchmark_compare_1 = case_when(
date == "2011-02-28"& lag(fund_name,1) == fund_name & date_added =="2011-01-31" ~ (lag(class_start,1) + in_and_out)*(1+ returns_bench1 - fee)^0.25,
date_added >= "2011-02-28"& lead(fund_name,1) == fund_name & lag(date,1) == date_added ~ (lag(balances,1) * (1+ returns_bench1 -fee)^0.5 + in_and_out) *(1+ returns_bench1 - fee)^0.5,
TRUE ~ 0
damages_benchmark_1 = case_when(
lag(date,2) == date_added & lag(fund_name,1) == fund_name ~
(lag(benchmark_compare_1,1) * (1+returns_bench1 - fee)^0.5 +in_and_out )*(1+returns_bench1 - fee)^0.5,
lag(date,2) > date_added & lag(fund_name,1) == fund_name ~
(damages_benchmark_1[-1] * (1+returns_bench1 - fee)^0.5 +in_and_out )*(1+returns_bench1 - fee)^0.5
It is this last part of the code (the variable "damages_benchmark_1") that is giving me trouble as I am referencing the variable created within itself.