I am trying to create a process mainly using R
, where a R variable will be sent to bash
and then another Rscript file
will read that value from bash
, do some calculation based on that.
My primary R code
looks like below -
return(system("/usr/lib/R/bin/Rscript '/opt/R/Try.R' $Let")), mc.cores = 6)
So, basically in above code, the individual letters are being sent to bash through variable Let
, and then the 2nd R process 'Try.R'
will read that value and print it.
My 'Try.R'
looks like below -
GetValue = commandArgs(TRUE)
print(GetValue); flush.console()
quit(save = "no")
With above implementation, it doesnt look like the value of 'Let'
variable is getting passed to bash
. Can someone please help me with right approach. The codes above I put just for explanation purpose to describe what I am trying to do, and hence can be executed directly in R
without passing to bash
, however my actual process is quite complex so needs this kind of implementation.
Any pointer will be highly appreciated.
I am using Ubuntu 18 machine with latest R.