I am currently working on a toy R package to see how it works with CI. I am trying to use unit tests with the testthat package. I use GitHub and Travis for CI integration.
For reproducing the results, here is my repository:
git clone https://github.com/Redcart/helda.git
1) I have coded a simple unit test in a script called test-proc_freq.R that should works
When I run locally
, the test is passing as expected:When I run locally
, I get the following results:
2° then I modify the test-proc_freq.R file adding some line that should fails the test
When I run locally
, the tests fail as expected:When I run locally
, I get no messages of any failures. I have the same messages that described above.
I am wondering what the check function of the package devtools is doing for the unit tests ? I have the impression that it just checks that the unit tests are properly coded and can be launched but not whether it has passed or failed.
When I push my code on GitHub, Travis CI is triggered thanks to the following .travis-ci.yml file:
# some stuff before
- R CMD build .
- R CMD check --as-cran helda_0.1.tar.gz
- Rscript -e "library(testthat); testthat::test_dir('tests/testthat')"
# some stuff after
However in the two situations described above, the build with Travis CI is successful.
Even adding Rscript -e "library(testthat); testthat::test_dir('tests/testthat')"
has not helped:
How can I make Travis CI fail the build when the unit tests fail ?