New to code in general and have been through hundreds of google searches and stackoverflow threads but nothing yet really explains how my solution works. There are many ways to melt data, most appear overly complex...curious why my solution works when all other solutions are overly complex.
Original dataframe
> df <- data.frame(
ResponseID = c("123", "1234"),
Q1_W1 = c("Agree", "strongly disagree"),
Q1_W2 = c("disagree", "Agree"),
Q2_W1 = c("Disagree", "Disagree"),
Q2_W2 = c("Agree", "NA")
Desired output
ResponseID variable value variable value
123 Q1_W1 agree Q2_W1 disagree
1234 Q1_W2 disagree Q2_W2 agree
I was able to achieve this with:
nalh5=ALH %>% gather(question,response, Q1_W1:Q1_W7)%>%
gather(q2, r2,Q2_W1:Q2_W3)%>%
gather(q3, r3, Q3_W1:Q3_W5)
It works well, but are there more efficient ways to achieve this?