I am trying to automatically compile multiple individual PDF reports from RMarkdown using a for loop in a separate R script. It works perfectly using this example that I previously posted here.
Sample df:
Athlete Date Jump Sprint Bench
1 Jones_Bob 12.18.2019 25 4.567 100
2 Taylor_Fred 12.18.2019 32 4.687 98
3 Smith_Joe 12.18.2019 31 4.988 97
4 Reeves_Frank 12.18.2019 27 4.765 90
I am now doing a very similar type process but am compiling by athlete instead of by hub. However it compiles for the first 1-2 athletes and then stops with this error:
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ... }l||l|>{\centering \arraybackslash
}p{1.2cm}|>{\centering \ar...
l.101 \end{tabular}}
Error: Failed to compile report.Lastname_firstname.tex. See https://yihui.name/tinytex/r/#debugging for debugging tips. See report.Lastname_firstname.log for more info.
This is the r script for loop:
for (athlete in unique(WHOC_DB$Athlete)){
subgroup <- subset(WHOC_DB, Athlete == athlete)
render("Ind_Hockey_Report.rmd",output_file = paste0('report.', athlete, '.pdf'))
This is my YAML in the RMarkdown doc plus some additional code that was suggested in threads with similar issues:
title: "WHOC Report Dec 2019"
classoption: landscape
geometry: margin=.8cm
options(tinytex.verbose = TRUE)
I've also tried updating my tinytex via this to no avail:
update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE) # update R packages
tinytex::tlmgr_update() # update LaTeX packages
I'm not sure why I can compile multiple PDFs from the previous hyperlinked post but not this one. I'm still relatively new to R so am not sure how to de-bug or understand error messages. Appreciate any thoughts!