I am trying to perform a naive bayes classifier and get the following error:
Error in density.default(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) :
need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically
I'm only getting this error when I include a numeric variable and oddly enough can perform a density plot on the same numeric variable. The classifier works up until I include the numeric variable and I have no missing data.
Below is my implementation of the predictor:
pred1 <- naive_bayes(x = reg_pred_train[1:4], y = reg_pred_train$WeightedScore,
usekernel = TRUE, laplace = 5)
Packages include dplyr and naivebayes. Below is a sample of the data:
Gender Coalesce Race AgeBracket VP WeightedScore
F:755 Asian : 15 18-25: 13 Min. :0.1162 Min. : 0.000
M:878 Black : 91 25-35: 68 1st Qu.:0.8905 1st Qu.: 5.000
U: 5 Hispanic: 24 35-50:258 Median :0.9379 Median : 6.000
Other : 6 50-65:449 Mean :0.8970 Mean : 6.145
Unknown : 49 65-75:461 3rd Qu.:0.9618 3rd Qu.: 8.000
White :1453 75+ :389 Max. :0.9933 Max. :10.000