I have a tibble/dataframe with
sample_id condition state
sample1 case val1
sample1 case val2
sample1 case val3
sample2 control val1
sample2 control val2
sample2 control val3
The dataframe is generated within a for loop for different states. Hence, every dataframe has a different name for the state column.
I want to group the data by sample_id
and calculate the median of the state column such that every unique sample_id
has a single median value. The output should be like below...
sample_id condition state
sample1 case median
sample2 control median
I am trying the command below; it is working if give the name of the column, but I am not able to pass the name via the state character variable. I tried ensym(state)
and !!ensym(state)
, but they all are throwing errors.
ddply(dat_state, .(sample_id), summarize, condition=unique(condition), state_exp=median(ensym(state)))