I'm trying to use the Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists Model for creating some rule lists in R. I read data into a list, split into train and test and plug into the function with the below code:
adult <- read.csv("E:/adult_csv.csv")
for (name in names(adult)) {adult[name] <- as.factor(adult[,name])}
b = round(2*nrow(adult)/3, digit=0)
data_train <- adult[1:b, ]
data_test <- adult[(b+1):nrow(adult), ]
sbrl_model <- sbrl(data_train, iters=20000,pos_sign="1", neg_sign="2")
but it gives me the following error:
Error in tapply(p, x, eval, simplify = FALSE) :arguments must have same length .
besides that when I use the adult dataset which is defined in R similar to the below code:
for (name in names(Adult)) {Adult[name] <- as.factor(Adult[,name])}
b = round(2*nrow(Adult)/3, digit=0)
data_train <- Adult[1:b, ]
data_test <- Adult[(b+1):nrow(Adult), ]
sbrl_model <- sbrl(data_train, iters=20000, pos_sign="1",
neg_sign="0", rule_minlen=1, rule_maxlen=3,
minsupport_pos=0.10, minsupport_neg=0.10,
lambda=10.0, eta=1.0, nchain=25)enter code here
I give the following error:
Error in tdata$label : $ operator not defined for this S4 class
I appreciate you if you help me in solving this error.