I'm looking for an efficient solution to the following problem:
a <- "TestStringA"
b <- "TeststringB"
magical_string_processing(a, b)
> [1] "Test""tring"
In essence: How do I detect identical parts of strings without knowing them pre hoc? How to do this operating from known patterns and using regular expressions is easy, but without the knowledge?
Answers have been given and I'll explore them, but in the meantime stackoverflow
tags gave me nomenclature pointers and I explored e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/50705861/2103880, which leads to
a <- "TestStringA"
b <- c(paste(LETTERS, collapse = ""), "TeststringB")
stringdist::amatch(a,b, method = "lcs", maxDist = Inf)
[1] 2
The matching string is thus nicely identified, but the actual substring not extracted ...
Thank you for any pointers.