I'm trying to install Emacs Speaks Statistics using use-package. I have included the following code in my initialisation file.
(use-package ess
:ensure t
(require 'ess-site))
I believe that ESS is installed correctly because when I run the command M-x ess-version
it states that I have version 18.10.
However when I tried to run some code in an R file I get the following error in a new buffer
Error (ess): Rterm could not be found on the system. Try running run-ess-r-newest' instead, which searches your system for R.
When I run the run-ess-r-newest command an R session opens up in a new window and I can execute R commands in a console session but when I go back to my original buffer with the aforementioned R file and try to execute a line of code from the script the same error occurs in a new buffer.
Is there any suggestions as to how I can run individual lines of code from an R script and the results for these command appearing in a new buffer displayed in the same frame as the already opened R script akin to how RStudio works.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!