I have a shiny app where you can upload an image. When you click on the image it adds the x and y coordinates to a reactive dataframe.
What I'd like to do is use this dataframe to lay points onto the image so you can see where you have clicked. I did accomplish this by converting the magick object to a ggplot and using geom_point, but I'd rather keep it as a magick object so I can use the processing features like negate and charcoal.
Any way I can do this, maybe with points
or symbols
This is the app currently
# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
fileInput("current_image", "Choose image file"),
actionButton("delete_point", "Delete Last Point"),
checkboxGroupInput("effects", "Effects",
choices = list("negate", "charcoal"))
imageOutput("current_image_plot", click = "image_click"),
# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
image <- image_read("https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81fXghaAb3L.jpg")
observeEvent(input$upload, {
if (length(input$upload$datapath))
image <<- image_read(input$upload$datapath)
output$current_image_plot <- renderImage({
if("negate" %in% input$effects)
image <- image_negate(image)
if("charcoal" %in% input$effects)
image <- image_charcoal(image)
tmpfile <- image %>%
image_write(tempfile(fileext='jpg'), format = 'jpg')
list(src = tmpfile, contentType = "image/jpeg")
# Create reactive dataframe to store clicks in
values <- reactiveValues()
values$dat <- data.frame(x_values = numeric(),
y_values = numeric())
# Observe the plot clicks
observeEvent(input$image_click, {
add_row <- data.frame(x_values = input$image_click$x,
y_values = input$image_click$y)
values$dat <- rbind(values$dat, add_row)
# Observe remove button
observeEvent(input$delete_point, {
remove_row <- values$dat[-nrow(values$dat), ]
values$dat <- remove_row
# Create a table
output$value_table <- renderTable({
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)