I have this condition:
ID N1 N2
1 6387 6187
2 6290 6386
3 6295 6295
4 6043 6392
5 6042 6043
6 6050 6031
7 6050 6036
8 6321 6434
9 6440 6397
with duplicates in different columns and rows, and I would like to remove ALL duplicates in N1 and N2, like this:
ID N1 N2
1 6387 6187
2 6290 6386
8 6321 6434
9 6440 6397
I tried these codes:
dt[(duplicated(dt[,2:3]) | duplicated(dt[,2:3], fromLast = TRUE)), ]
dt %>% distinct(N1,N2, .keep_all = TRUE)
But didn't work.