I have two dataframes as u can see below.
#Dataframe 1
colname value
col1 0.45
col2 -0.2
col3 -0.4
col4 0.1
#Dataframe 2
col1 col2 col3 col4
1 5 9 5
45 29 43 9
34 33 56 3
2 67 76 1
What I want to do is to firstly select all columns of dataframe 1 that have a value > 0.3 or value < -0.3. The second thing I want is to select all column from dataframe 2 that match this condition. So the columns col1, col3 and col4 of dataframe2 should be selected into a new dataframe like below.
col1 col3 col4
1 9 5
45 43 9
34 56 3
2 76 1
The solution I thought about is to firstly select the relevant columns as u can see in the code below.
features = sqldf('select colname from dataframe1 where value > 0.3 or value < -0.3')
After this to build a string in a for loop that should look like below. And paste this in a sqldf
query to select to right columns from dataframe2. However I dont know how to build this string. U guys know this or have a other solution?
stringValue = "col1, col3, col4"
sprintf("SELECT %s FROM dataframe2", stringValue)