I have reviewed the other similar questions and I don't believe I have found the answers.
I am trying to do Cox regression with two co-variates - sex and disease status.
Original data frame looks a bit like this:
Patient ID: 1001, 1002
Age: 56, 60
Sex: Male, Female
Mortality event: 1 0
Follow up years: 6,7
I have called cxmod <- coxph(Surv(Mortality event, time) ~ Disease_status + Sex, data = original data)
I have set up a dummy_df
as a grid as per instructions for this package for the co-variates:
Sex Male Disease_status 0,
Sex Female Disease_status 0,
Sex Male Disease status 1,
Sex Female Disease status 1
I have renamed the rownames as letters since I understood this is what was needed.
However when I call:
cxsf <- survfit(cxmod, data= orginal_data_frame, newdata = dummy_df, conf.type = "none")
I get the following error message:
Warning message:
'newdata' had 4 rows but variables found have 500000 rows
Furthermore, if I call surv_summary(cxsf)
to help visualise the plot - the R sessions gets terminated encountering a fatal error.
Can anyone advise on what's going wrong?