I have created a bank account class with the R6 package . It has a balance that is private (not accessible after generation) and methods to withdraw and deposit a certain amount as well as a print method. (Hadley Wickham 14.3.3)
BankAccount <- R6::R6Class("BankAccount", public = list(
# Functions to withdraw and deposit.
deposit = function(amount){
private$balance <- private$balance + amount
withdraw = function(amount){
if (amount < private$balance){
private$balance <- private$balance - amount
else {
stop("Amount withdrawn is greater than available balance by", -(private$balance - amount))
initialize = function(initial_balance){
private$balance <- initial_balance
print = function(){
cat("Bank balance is equal to", private$balance)
private = list(
balance = NULL
Currently, if I create a new R6 object and call the withdraw function with an amount greater than its initial balance, the function will stop and print a message. Instead, I would like the newly created object to be directly removed. How can I achieve this?