R v3.6.2
RStudio Desktop v1.2.5033
R package 'googledrive' v1.0.0
I have written an R script that uploads csv files to a googlesheets account. In order to avoid having to automate this, I have used the drive_auth() function to refresh the OAuth token. Code is simply:
email = "email@gmail.com",
path = NULL,
scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive",
cache = gargle::gargle_oauth_cache(),
use_oob = gargle::gargle_oob_default(),
token = NULL
drive_upload(file, overwrite=TRUE, type="spreadsheet")
On both a mac and a Windows OS machine, this then opens a default browser that asks for login details. When these are correctly entered, the script now has permissions to upload / edit files and googledrive functions subsequently work. It creates an authority token in the file path:
However, when attempting to do this on a new laptop that will be used as a server, I am met with the following error messages:
Error: can't get Google credentials.
Are you running googlesheets in a non-interactive session? Consider:
* sheets_deauth() to prevent the attempt to get credentials.
* call 'sheets_auth()' directly with all necessary specifics.
On inspection of the gargle-oauth folder, it has not created an OAuth token, as it did automatically with other machines on the entering of google login details.
I re-ran the programme on the other windows machine after deleting the OAuth token and it worked fine, creating the token again from scratch. I cannot pinpoint the reason why this token is not being created in this instance.