I'm trying to auto-size the Height on an iframe in R. Here is an example where it's very thin:
header <- dashboardHeader(title = "Tools", titleWidth = 225)
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(width = 225,
menuItem(text = "Welcome", tabName = "Tools", icon = icon("apple"))
body <- dashboardBody(class="text-center",
tabItem("Tools", class = "text-center",
tags$iframe(src = "https://www.macrumors.com", width = "100%", scrolling = 'no')
ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body, skin = 'blue')
server <- function(input, output){}
shinyApp(ui, server)
I've purposely set scrolling = 'no'
because I don't want to use the URL scrolling. I want the scrolling to happen on the R server. There is no height = "100%"
setting, but I had a friend send me this who said this should auto size the iframe, but I haven't a clue on how to incorporate it into my R code:
<iframe style="width: 1px; min-width: 100%;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="source goes here"></iframe>
<script>iFrameResize({autoResize:true, log:true, checkOrigin:false})</script>
Javascript file: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iframe-resizer/3.5.16/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js
github link: https://github.com/davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer
Any help or directions would be apprectiated. Thanks!