In order to use different fonts for my plots, I installed the extrafont
package on my Win10 machine. I run the following code:
library (extrafont)
font_import ()
loadfonts (device = "win")
which works finde. However, when I want to print a pdf, the font I need is still not available. So I run
loadfonts (device = "pdf")
For the font that I want (ChantillyLH), this gives me: More than one version of regular/bold/italic found for ChantillyLH. Skipping setup for this font.
Other people had the same issue. However, the solutions that I found (e.g. didn't work for me. I re-installed the extrafont
-package (also the extrafontdb
and the Rttf2pt1
package) and removed the ChantillyLH-files from the fonts directory. I then installed ChantillyLH and extrafont
again, but the problem remained. I suppose that this is due to ChantillyLH not following the standard-scheme of "normal", "bold", "italic" and "bolditalic" style:
> subset (fonttable(), FamilyName == "ChantillyLH")
gives me
package afmfile fontfile FullName FamilyName FontName Bold Italic Symbol afmsymfile
5 NA CHANLH__.afm.gz MY_FOLDER\\Chantilly\\CHANLH__.TTF ChantillyLH Heavy ChantillyLH ChantillyLHHeavy FALSE FALSE FALSE NA
6 NA CHANLHI_.afm.gz MY_FOLDER\\Chantilly\\CHANLHI_.TTF ChantillyLH HeavyItalic ChantillyLH ChantillyLHHeavyItalic FALSE TRUE FALSE NA
7 NA CHANLL__.afm.gz MY_FOLDER\\Chantilly\\CHANLL__.TTF ChantillyLH Light ChantillyLH ChantillyLHLight FALSE FALSE FALSE NA
8 NA CHANLLI_.afm.gz MY_FOLDER\\Chantilly\\CHANLLI_.TTF ChantillyLH LightItalic ChantillyLH ChantillyLHLightItalic FALSE TRUE FALSE NA
The is no bold option available (due to ChantillyLH Heavy being a "bold" font, I think). Are there any ideas what I can do to make ChantillyLH work with .pdf or postscript within R?
EDIT: I even tried and removed the file "ChantillyLH Schwarz" and reinstalled extrafont - without success.