I have a data set of observations that have taken place at specific date/time point; these are usually about a minute apart but can be more or less. And there are some extended periods for missing observations (power outage in the recording equipment). I'd like to generate a new data set with one date/time variable and one value variable. The date/time variable starts on a time that is a multiple of x and steps every x minutes, where x is a multiple of 5 or 10. The value variable holds the mean of the observations in that window. When there is n x minute window with no data, the value variable is set to NA. The question and answer at this link gets me part way there but I can't tell how to deal with the windows with no data.
I'll post this initially with no example data but if no-one can point me to an answer based just on the general question, I'll figure out how to add the data