The app below contains an actionButton
, a shinyWidgets::progressBar
and a selectInput
When the Start
button is clicked, an observeEvent
is triggered in which I loop through the numbers 1-10 and increment the progress bar at each iteration. I would also like to update the value of the selectInput
at each iteration but updateSelectInput does not work as expected. Instead of updating in tandem with the progress bar, the selectInput
value is only updated once the loop has terminated. I don't understand why updateProgressBar
works here but updateSelectInput
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton(inputId = "go", label = "Start"), #, onclick = "$('#my-modal').modal().focus();"
shinyWidgets::progressBar(id = "pb", value = 0, display_pct = TRUE),
selectInput('letters', 'choose', letters)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$go, {
shinyWidgets::updateProgressBar(session = session, id = "pb", value = 0) # reinitialize to 0 if you run the calculation several times
for (i in 1:10) {
updateProgressBar(session = session, id = "pb", value = 100/10*i)
updateSelectInput(session, 'letters', selected = letters[i])
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)