id product cost year name bank postcode email
1 100-47-3008 Book 10 2018 Miesha McClure 7153-2957-3958-6600 SR1 1UE shn@z.erw 2 100-47-3008 blue-ray 10 2017 Miesha McClure 7153-2957-3958-6600 SR1 1UE shn@z.erw 3 100-47-3008 shavefoam 2 2014 Miesha McClure 7153-2957-3958-6600 SR1 1UE shn@z.erw 4 100-47-3008 magazine 3 2017 Miesha McClure 7153-2957-3958-6600 SR1 1UE shn@z.erw 5 100-47-3008 blue-ray 10 2017 Miesha McClure 7153-2957-3958-6600 SR1 1UE shn@z.erw 6 100-47-3008 ice-cream 2 2017 Miesha McClure 7153-2957-3958-6600 SR1 1UE shn@z.erw
Please i have this data with 6500 obs with 8 varaibles, how can i answer the following questions. 1) Who is the most frequent customer(s)? 2) Which is the least profitable year in terms of money? 3) What is the most profitable product(s) in terms of money in 2016? 4) What is the best postcode(s) in terms of money in 2016? 5) What is the least popular product in terms of frequency of sales in 2016? 6) Use of ggplot2 to provide 2-3, graphs or charts etc.
I have been able to tackle no1 I need help on others. Thank You