I've got several large-ish data.frames set up like a relational database, and I'd like to make a single function to look for whatever variable I need and grab it from that particular data.frame and add it to the data.frame I'm currently working on. I've got a way to do this that works, but it requires temporarily making a list of all the data.frames, which seems inefficient. I suspect that nonstandard evaluation would solve this problem for me, but I'm not sure how to do it.
Here's what works but seems inefficient:
Table1 <- data.frame(ID = LETTERS[1:10], ColA = rnorm(10), ColB = rnorm(10),
ColC = rnorm(10))
Table2 <- data.frame(ID = LETTERS[1:10], ColD = rnorm(10), ColE = rnorm(10),
ColF = rnorm(10))
Table3 <- data.frame(ID = LETTERS[1:10], ColG = rnorm(10), ColH = rnorm(10),
ColI = rnorm(10))
Key <- data.frame(Table = rep(c("Table1", "Table2", "Table3"), each = 4),
ColumnName = c("ID", paste0("Col", LETTERS[1:3]),
"ID", paste0("Col", LETTERS[4:6]),
"ID", paste0("Col", LETTERS[7:9])))
# function for grabbing info from other tables
grab <- function(StartDF, ColNames){
AllDFs <- list(Table1, Table2, Table3)
names(AllDFs) <- c("Table1", "Table2", "Table3")
# Determine which data.frames have that column
WhichDF <- Key %>% filter(ColumnName %in% ColNames) %>%
TempDF <- StartDF
for(i in 1:length(ColNames)){
ToAdd <- AllDFs[WhichDF[i, 1]]
ToAdd <- ToAdd[[1]] %>%
select(c(ColNames[i], ID))
TempDF <- TempDF %>% left_join(ToAdd)
grab(Table1, c("ColE", "ColH"))
What would be great instead would be something like this:
grab <- function(StartDF, ColNames){
# Some function that returns the column names of all the data.frames
# without me creating a new object that is a list of them
# Some function that left_joins the correct data.frame plus the column
# "ID" to my starting data.frame, again without needing to create that list
# of all the data.frames