I have 10 years of data of four variables. Here's how data looks like
dat <- data.frame(year = rep(2001:2010, each = 50),
a = rnorm(50), b = rnorm(50), c = rnorm(50), d = rnorm(50))
dat_l <- tidyr::gather(dat, variable, value, a:d)
I am trying to learn shiny app. I want my app to plot one variable against the other for a given year
For e.g. if user selects a
and b
and year 2001, plot a
against b
for a year 2001.
If b
and c
are selected for year 2003, plot b
vs c
for 2003 and so on.
Also do not do anything if a single variable or more than 2 variable are selected for a given year.
u <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('My analytics'),
sidebarLayout(position = 'left',
checkboxInput('a', 'aRef', value = F),
checkboxInput('b', 'bRef', value = F),
checkboxInput('c', 'cRef', value = F),
checkboxInput('d', 'dRef', value = F),
sliderInput('yearRef','Select Year',min=2001,max=2010,value=1)
tabPanel('Scatter', plotOutput(outputId = 'scatter'))
s <- shinyServer(function(input, output)
pt1 <- reactive({
if (!input$a) return(NULL)
pdata <- dplyr::filter(dat_l, variable == input$a and year == input$yearRef)
plot(pdata$value, pdata$value)
output$scatter = renderPlot({pt1})
This code is incomplete and I hope I could get some help on how to develop the server part of the code.