I'm trying to use reactiveValues across multiple modules in an R shiny app.
I have set up an example to illustrate my problem. It consists of a main application containing a reactiveValue which is a data frame of 3 columns and 3 modules designed to "read", "write" and "read and write" the reactiveValue.
- Read: Application -> Module
- Write: Module -> Application
- Read and Write: Application <-> Module
I get the error:
Warning: Error in <-: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Note that the code works if the reactiveValue is just a simple variable e.g. integer, but not with a data frame where components need to be updated rather than the whole data frame.
I have found the following link very useful. Not sure if it covers my case. https://www.ardata.fr/en/post/2019/04/26/share-reactive-among-shiny-modules/
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
Here is my code:
readUI <- function(id, label = "Read") {
ns <- NS(id)
read <- function(input, output, session, x) {
ns <- session$ns
output$showX <- renderValueBox({
valueBox(x(), "x")
writeUI <- function(id, label = "Write") {
ns <- NS(id)
selectizeInput(ns("selectX"), "Select a value for x", choices = 1:10),
actionButton(ns("submit"), "Submit")
write <- function(input, output, session) {
ns <- session$ns
toReturn <- reactiveValues(x = data.frame(a=c(1), b=c(2), c=c(3)), trigger = NULL)
observeEvent(input$submit, {
toReturn$x$a <- as.numeric(input$selectX)
toReturn$trigger <- toReturn$trigger + 1
readAndWriteUI <- function(id, label = "ReadAndWrite") {
ns <- NS(id)
selectizeInput(ns("selectX"), "Select a value for x", choices = 1:10),
actionButton(ns("submit"), "Submit")
readAndWrite <- function(input, output, session, x) {
ns <- session$ns
toReturn <- reactiveValues(x = x, trigger = NULL)
output$showX <- renderValueBox({
valueBox(x(), "x")
observeEvent(input$submit, {
toReturn$x$a <- as.numeric(input$selectX)
toReturn$trigger <- toReturn$trigger + 1
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Example"),
tabsetPanel(id = "mainTabSetPanel",
tabPanel("Read", readUI("Read")),
tabPanel("Write", writeUI("Write")),
tabPanel("ReadAndWrite", readAndWriteUI("ReadAndWrite"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
rv <- reactiveValues(x = data.frame(a=c(1), b=c(2), c=c(3)))
callModule(read, "Read", reactive(rv$x))
output_Write <- callModule(write, "Write")
output_ReadAndWrite <- callModule(readAndWrite, "ReadAndWrite", reactive(rv$x))
observeEvent(output_Write$trigger, {
print("Updating x from Write")
rv$x <- output_Write$x
#updateTabsetPanel(session, "mainTabSetPanel", selected = "Read")
observeEvent(output_ReadAndWrite$trigger, {
print("Updating x from ReadAndWrite")
rv$x <- output_ReadAndWrite$x
#updateTabsetPanel(session, "mainTabSetPanel", selected = "Read")
shinyApp(ui, server)