I would like to plot different rows as different lines in the same plot to illustrate the movements of the average development of 3 groups: All, Men and Women. However, I'm not getting one of the lines printed and the legend is not being filled with the rownames.
I'l be glad for a solution, either in matplot
or in ggplot
Thank you!
matplot(t(Market_Work), type = 'l', xaxt = 'n', xlab = "Time Period", ylab = "Average", main ="Market Work")
legend("right", legend = seq_len(nrow(Market_Work)), fill=seq_len(nrow(Market_Work)))
axis(1, at = 1:6, colnames(Market_Work))
2003-2005 2006-2008 2009-2010 2011-2013 2014-2016 2017-2018
All 31.48489 32.53664 30.41938 30.53870 31.15550 31.77960
Men 37.38654 38.16698 35.10247 35.65543 36.54855 36.72496
Women 31.48489 32.53664 30.41938 30.53870 31.15550 31.77960
> dput(Market_Work)
structure(list(`2003-2005` = c(31.4848853173555, 37.3865421137,
31.4848853173555), `2006-2008` = c(32.5366433161048, 38.1669798351148,
32.5366433161048), `2009-2010` = c(30.4193794808191, 35.1024661973137,
30.4193794808191), `2011-2013` = c(30.5387012166381, 35.6554329405739,
30.5387012166381), `2014-2016` = c(31.1555032381292, 36.5485451138792,
31.1555032381292), `2017-2018` = c(31.7795953402235, 36.7249638612854,
31.7795953402235)), row.names = c("All", "Men", "Women"), class = "data.frame")