How do I set an empty body for my get request without leaving out the Body
See the following example:
url <- ""
GET(url = url, verbose())$headers$`content-length`
I get a result with Content length of 9125.
How can I do the equivilant with Setting a Body Parameter:
GET(url = url, body = NULL, verbose())$headers$`content-length`
(Has Status Code = 200, but no results besides an empty JSON – > Content length of 55).
What I tried:
- Finding documentation on
. E.g. - Trying to set "empty values":
GET(url = url, body = list() verbose())$headers$`content-length`
GET(url = url, body = "", verbose())$headers$`content-length`
GET(url = url, body = NULL, verbose())$headers$`content-length`
GET(url = url, body = c(), verbose())$headers$`content-length`
- Examine the results from
, see the Code above. But I don't see any differences for the request being sent.
Why I want to do it:
For some code it seems easier to specify an empty Default value instead of adding an if Statement and adding a Body Parameter if one is present or leaving it out in case it is not needed.