I have tried using spss.get from Hmisc. Here is my code:
mydata <- spss.get("C:\\good good study\\comscore\\purchase.sav", use.value.labels = TRUE)
the output is shown with warning message which is as follows:
> mydata <- spss.get("C:\\good good study\\comscore\\purchase.sav", use.value.labels = TRUE)
Warning messages:
1: In read.spss(file, use.value.labels = use.value.labels, to.data.frame = to.data.frame, :
C:\good good study\comscore\purchase.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 14 encountered in system file
2: In read.spss(file, use.value.labels = use.value.labels, to.data.frame = to.data.frame, :
C:\good good study\comscore\purchase.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18 encountered in system file
My initial date in spss is as follow: date in spss is correct
However, when I use spss.get in R, the data for date becomes garbled: date become garbled in R