I'm trying to recreate this ridge plot:
However, I can't seem to be able to get the curves to show up on the plot, As you may have guessed I'm very new to r, so I pretty much copied https://bytefish.de/blog/timeseries_databases_5_visualization_with_ggridges/ to get where I am. here's the code:
eustockmark_index <- fortify.zoo(EuStockMarkets)
eustockmark_index$Index= trimws(eustockmark_index$Index)
ggplot(eustockmark_index, aes(x = `DAX`, y =`Index`,fill=..x..)) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient() +
labs(title = "DAX",
x = "",
y = "")+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "C")
Also if any one could explain why my Y axis has NA at the top, that would be marvelous. Thanks very much!