I try to make function plots or my top 20 genes. That's why I created a list of data frames, these data frames exist or different columns contain values and names. One of these columns in the data frame is the gene column. My code turns the first 20 genes into function plots. But now I have the problem in some of the data frames that exist fewer than 20 genes. This causes my code to abort.
Because I want a maximum of 5 function plots per page, I cannot just define a counter.
Thank you for the input.
Example of my list or data frames listGroups
group1_2: 'data.frame': 68 obs. of 7 variables:
..$ p_val: num [1:68] 1.15 1.43 ...
..$ score: num [1:68] 15.5 27.14 ...
..$ gene: Factor w/ 68 levels "BRA1", "NED",...: 41 52 ...
group2_3: 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 7 variables:
..$ p_val: num [1:3] 1.15 1.43 ...
..$ score: num [1:3] 15.5 27.14 ...
..$ gene: Factor w/ 3 levels "BCL12", "DEF1",...: 41 52 ...
groupNames <- c("cluster1_2","cluster2_3","cluster3_4","cluster4_5","cluster5_6")
for (i in 1:length(listGroups)) {
Grouplist <- listGroups[[i]]
genesList <- Grouplist['gene']
# Make Featureplots for top20 DE genes per cluster_group
print(FeaturePlot(object = seuratObj, features = c(as.character(genesList[1:5,]))))
print(FeaturePlot(object = seuratObj, features = c(as.character(genesList[6:10,]))))
print(FeaturePlot(object = seuratObj, features = c(as.character(genesList[11:15,]))))
print(FeaturePlot(object = seuratObj, features = c(as.character(genesList[16:20,]))))