I'm relatively new to Rmarkdown and would like to create a report with two tables side by side.
There are numerous references on how to do this using kable, knitr and mini.pages, and a few references include: Align Multi Tables Side by Side , Split Table Side by Side , Knitr Github. There are a few others on SO.
What I am doing: I have a data frame where I'm running some basic statistics. I would like to report these stats in two basic summary tables side by side. The code below is what I believe is the best to do this, but when I knit the report I just get the code returned and no tables.
```{r message=FALSE,include=FALSE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE}
dep<-dep%>%filter(tier !=0)
`1stQuantBalance`=quantile(Bal,probs=.25,type = 1),
`3rdQuantBalance`=quantile(Bal,probs=.75,type = 3),
`1stQuantRate`=quantile(HR,probs=.25,type = 1),
`3rdQuantRate`=quantile(HR,probs=.75,type = 3))%>%
mutate_each(funs(prettyNum(., big.mark=",",scientific=FALSE)))
```{r sample, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
t1 <- kable(head(d)[1:6], format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE)
t2 <- kable(head(d)[7:12], format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE)
I have also tried just using Grobtable function, but this just overlaps the tables.
Any help would be much appreciated.
*Update Below for a sample of 2 cols.
d<-structure(list(Level=c(rep(1:7)),MeanBalance=c(seq(100,500,length.out = 7)),MedianBalance=c(seq(.003,.9,length.out = 7))))