I am trying to change my data from wide to long on r using pivot_longer. There appear to be a few people having similar issues on here but I have been unable to adapt their solutions to my data. I have attached a picture of example data in the wide data example and what I am trying to achieve in the long data example.
In summary I have a time and reference column which refer to all columns, I also have multiple columns of group, subject, ID, xcoordinate ycoordinate in the form of: group1, subject1. ID1, xcoord1 ycoord1, group2, subject2, ID2, xcoord2, ycoord2 and so on... What I want is a long table with columns:
time, reference, group, subject, ID, xcoord, ycoord.
With the 5 columns stacking their respective numbered columns, and the time and reference columns repeating for the relevant stacks.
df %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -c(time, reference),
names_to = c("group", "subject", "ID", "xcoord", "ycoord")
My understanding is that I require to use the names_pattern function, although I cant seem to get that to work, and I cant find anything clear describing How I should be using it. I should say my data is much wider than the example data, so can't really rely on numbering of columns.
appreciate any help
wide data example
time reference group1 subject1 ID1 xcoord1 ycoord1 group2 subject2 ID2 xcoord2 ycoord2 group3 subject3 ID3 xcoord3 ycoord3
1 00:01 4097365 1 4 1 7.44 38.16 0 21 2 33.90 47.26 1 15 3 21.53 2.67
2 00:02 4097366 1 4 1 9.84 37.03 0 21 2 32.98 48.47 1 15 3 21.82 2.95
3 00:03 4097367 1 4 1 12.01 35.83 0 21 2 30.17 50.33 1 15 3 22.06 4.45
4 00:04 4097368 1 4 1 12.15 34.17 0 21 2 29.85 50.52 1 15 3 23.50 4.75
5 00:05 4097369 1 4 1 15.27 32.94 0 21 2 28.39 51.30 1 15 3 24.25 4.76
6 00:06 4097370 1 4 1 18.96 31.98 0 21 2 28.39 52.36 1 15 3 25.31 6.57
7 00:07 4097371 1 4 1 22.50 31.13 0 21 2 26.59 53.14 1 15 3 26.05 7.04
8 00:08 4097372 1 4 1 27.47 30.15 0 21 2 25.89 53.94 1 15 3 27.29 7.91
9 00:09 4097373 1 4 1 32.17 29.92 0 21 2 24.64 54.42 1 15 3 27.47 8.44
10 00:10 4097374 1 4 1 33.77 27.49 0 21 2 24.61 55.23 1 15 3 28.59 8.71
Long data example
time reference group subject ID xcoord ycoord
1 00:01 4097365 1 4 1 7.44 38.16
2 00:01 4097365 0 21 2 33.90 47.26
3 00:01 4097365 1 15 3 21.53 2.67
4 00:02 4097366 1 4 1 9.84 37.03
5 00:02 4097367 0 21 2 32.98 48.47
6 00:02 4097368 1 15 3 21.82 2.95
7 00:03 4097369 1 4 1 12.01 35.83
8 00:03 4097370 0 21 2 30.17 50.33
9 00:03 4097371 1 15 3 22.06 4.45
10 00:04 4097372 1 4 1 12.15 34.17
edit: playing about a bit with the data I have managed to achieve this odd solution which is a mixture of long and wide data.
structure(list(time = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), state = structure(c(2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("Alive", "Alive;:", "Dead", "Dead;:"
), class = "factor"), reference = c("1880439", "1880439", "1880439",
"1880439", "1880439", "1880439"), num = c("1", NA, "2", "3",
"4", "5"), group = c("1", NA, "1", "4", "0", "0"), X = c(NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), ID = c(1L, NA, 2L, 4L, 5L, 6L), subect = c(21L,
NA, 7L, -1L, 2L, 6L), x = c(3514L, NA, 2807L, 5550L, 3956L, 3686L
), y = c(-1644L, NA, -510L, 4400L, 1297L, -55L), speed = c("5.23",
NA, "3.24", "0.00", "2.31", "3.57"), group1 = c("0", NA, "4",
"1", "1", "0"), ID1 = c(13L, NA, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L), subect1 = c(9L,
NA, -1L, 13L, 14L, 11L), x1 = c(882L, NA, 5550L, 3004L, 761L,
3317L), y1 = c(-1468L, NA, 4400L, 1633L, 559L, 1443L), speed1 = c("1.70",
NA, "0.00", "3.06", "2.92", "3.30"), group2 = c("4", NA, "0",
"1", "0", "0"), ID2 = c(24L, NA, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L), subect2 = c(-1L,
NA, 1L, 18L, 5L, 10L), x2 = c(5550L, NA, 5031L, 3936L, 3972L,
3623L), y2 = c(4400L, NA, -74L, 190L, 686L, 356L), speed2 = c("0.00",
NA, "0.54", "1.06", "0.95", "2.49"), speed.group2 = c(NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,
the dataframe the code results in looks like this
> head(df1)
# A tibble: 6 x 24
time state reference num group X ID subect x y speed group1 ID1 subect1 x1 y1 speed1 group2 ID2 subect2 x2 y2 speed2
<dbl> <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
1 0 Aliv~ 1880439 1 1 NA 1 21 3514 -1644 5.23 0 13 9 882 -1468 1.70 4 24 -1 5550 4400 0.00
3 0 Aliv~ 1880439 2 1 NA 2 7 2807 -510 3.24 4 14 -1 5550 4400 0.00 0 25 1 5031 -74 0.54
4 0 Aliv~ 1880439 3 4 NA 4 -1 5550 4400 0.00 1 15 13 3004 1633 3.06 1 26 18 3936 190 1.06
5 0 Aliv~ 1880439 4 0 NA 5 2 3956 1297 2.31 1 16 14 761 559 2.92 0 27 5 3972 686 0.95
6 0 Aliv~ 1880439 5 0 NA 6 6 3686 -55 3.57 0 17 11 3317 1443 3.30 0 28 10 3623 356 2.49
# ... with 1 more variable: speed.group2 <lgl>