I want to create date object between 2008-01-01 and 2010-12-31 around 10K of them. I wrote the code for that but I actually want to keep days 1-366 in 2008 because of 2008-02-29 (leap year) I want them to restart after 366 then become 1 on 2009-01-01. I can do this as create only for 2008 then 2009 then 2010 but it won't be convenient. I was reading about lubridate
but could not figure it out. I can also filter 1 to 366 then 367-731 but that's not gonna be efficient as well. Anyone knows a better way to do it?
tim1=sample(365*3+1,10000,replace = TRUE) ### that plus 1 from feb 29 in 2008
dat1=as.Date(tim1,origin="2007-12-31") # then 1 will be 2008-01-01