I have a dataset with 15 metrics (columns) from a csv. 1 metric is called Cancer
This is what the column in the dataset looks like
Cancer: yes no yes no
I would like to create a table with the percentages Cancer Yes No But I am making different subsets (e.g filtered dataset 1: agegroup 50-54 and numberrelatives=1, filtered dataset 2: agebirtfirstchild <30, breastdensity:extremely dense) I would like to make 1 table with the percentages cancer yes/no with all the different subsets
example dataset:
`cancer = c("yes", "no")
agegroup = c("35-39", "40-44")
numberrelatives = c("zero", "one")
agefirstchild = c("Age < 30", "Age 30 or greater")
df = data.frame(cancer, agegroup, numberrelatives, agefirstchild)`