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different logic when translating Python code to R


the following Python code was translated to R Python code:

plan_no_harvest_collision = []
for plan in only_all_plants_full:
    harvest_plan = []
    for house in plan:
        harvest_plan_per_house = []
        days = 0
        for plant in range(0, len(house) - 1, 2):
            days += house[plant + 1]
            harvest_plan_per_house.append(house[plant] + '_' + str(days))
        harvest_plan += harvest_plan_per_house
    if len(harvest_plan) == len(set(harvest_plan)):
        plan = []
        for plant in harvest_plan:

R code:

plan_no_harvest_collision <- list()
i <- 1
for (plan in plans_by_plants) {
  harvest_plan <- list()
  for (house in plan) {
    harvest_plan_per_house <- list()
    j <- 1
    days <- 0
    for (plant in seq(1, length(house))) {
      days <- days + df[df$veg == house[[plant]], 'time']
      harvest_plan_per_house[[j]] <- paste(house[[plant]], days, sep='_')
      j <- j + 1
    harvest_plan <- c(harvest_plan, harvest_plan_per_house)
  if (length(harvest_plan) == length(unique(harvest_plan))) {
    plan <- list()
    n <- 1
    for (plant in harvest_plan) {
      plan[[n]] <- strsplit(plant, split='_')[[1]][1]
      n <- n + 1
    plan_no_harvest_collision[[i]] <- plan
    i <- i + 1
  } else {
    # pass

the length of plan_no_harvest_collision from Python is 45024 but from R it is only 4056. The only difference I can spot is when appending to a list in R where I use two different methods. One is e.g. plan_no_harvest_collision[[i]] <- plan and increasing the counter and the other is harvest_plan <- c(harvest_plan, harvest_plan_per_house). So what is the difference between the two options of appending to a list in R? Full Python code:

anbaudauer = 12
pflanzen = {
            'tomaten': 6,
            'karotten': 4,
            'paprika': 7,
            'erdbeeren': 5,
            'koriander': 2,
            'salat': 3,
            'zucchini': 4,
            'gurke': 5,
            'petersilie': 2,
            'radieschen': 3,

planzen_list = [

# create all possible combinations that take in total 12 days to grow
def possible_combinations(values, target, with_replacement=True):
    def sub_combinations(index, l, r, t, w):
        if t == sum(filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, int), l)):
        elif t < sum(filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, int), l)):
        for u in range(index, len(values)):
            sub_combinations(u if w else (u + 1), l + [values[u].split('_')[0], int(values[u].split('_')[1])], r, t, w)
        return r
    return sub_combinations(0, [], [], target, with_replacement)

raw_combinations = possible_combinations(planzen_list, anbaudauer)

# remove combinations that have a repeating plant
combinations_without_repetition = []
for combi in raw_combinations:
    pflanzen_only = [x for x in combi if isinstance(x, str)]
    not_repeating = True
    for i in range(0, len(pflanzen_only) - 1, 1):
        if pflanzen_only[i] == pflanzen_only[i + 1]:
            not_repeating = False
    if not_repeating:

# create all possible combinations that can be grown in the given number of farm houses,
# check if all plants are grown at least once, and remove combinations that do not grow all plants at least once
only_all_plants_full = []
for c1 in combinations_without_repetition:
    for c2 in combinations_without_repetition:
        for c3 in combinations_without_repetition:
            for c4 in combinations_without_repetition:
                only_plant_names = []
                for el in c1:
                    if isinstance(el, str):
                for el in c2:
                    if isinstance(el, str):
                for el in c3:
                    if isinstance(el, str):
                for el in c4:
                    if isinstance(el, str):
                if len(set(only_plant_names)) == len(planzen_list):
                    only_all_plants_full.append([c1, c2, c3, c4])

# check if same plants across the farm houses are harvested at the same time
# and remove all combinations that would harvest same plants at the same time
plan_no_harvest_collision = []
for plan in only_all_plants_full:
    harvest_plan = []
    for house in plan:
        harvest_plan_per_house = []
        days = 0
        for plant in range(0, len(house) - 1, 2):
            days += house[plant + 1]
            harvest_plan_per_house.append(house[plant] + '_' + str(days))
        harvest_plan += harvest_plan_per_house
    if len(harvest_plan) == len(set(harvest_plan)):
        plan = []
        for plant in harvest_plan:

Full R code:

anbaudauer = 12
w <- c(

# alle kombinationen aus pflanzen die eine anbaudauer von 12 ergeben
df    <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(w, "_")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$V2 <- as.numeric(df$V2)
names(df) <- c("veg", "time")

max_n <- anbaudauer %/% min(df$time)
t     <- unique(df$time)

combos <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq(max_n), function(n)
  m <- expand.grid(as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, lapply(seq(n), function(x) t))))
  m <- m[which(apply(as.matrix(m), 1, sum) == 12), ]
  if(length(nrow(m)) > 0)
    for(i in 1:nrow(m)) m[i, ] <- sort(m[i, ])
    m <- unique(m)
    if(ncol(m) < max_n) m <- cbind(m, matrix(NA, nrow(m), max_n - ncol(m)))
    names(m) <- 1:max_n

combos <- lapply(split(combos, seq(nrow(combos))), 
                 function(x) {x <- as.numeric(x); x[!is.na(x)]})

combos <- lapply(combos, function(x)
  expand.grid(as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(y) df$veg[which(df$time == y)]),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

combos <- do.call(rbind, lapply(combos, function(x)
  for(i in seq(nrow(x))) x[i,] <- sort(x[i,])
  x <- unique(x)
  if(ncol(x) < max_n) 
    x <- cbind(x, matrix("", nrow(x), max_n - ncol(x)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(x) <- seq(max_n)

combos <- lapply(split(combos, seq(nrow(combos))), 
                 function(x) { x <- as.character(x[1, ]); x[x != ""] })

names(combos) <- NULL

# entferne alle kombinationen in der eine pflanze auf sich selbst folgt
combinations_without_repetition <- list()
count = 1
for (combination in combos) {
  not_repeating = TRUE
  for (plant in seq(1, length(combination) - 1)) {
    if (combination[plant] == combination[plant + 1]) {
      not_repeating = FALSE
    } else {
      # pass
  if (not_repeating == TRUE) {
    combinations_without_repetition[[count]] <- combination
    count <- count + 1
  } else {
    # pass

# erstelle alle möglichen kombinationen die in 4 gewächshäusern angebaut werden können
plans_by_plants <- list()
i <- 1
for (c1 in combinations_without_repetition) {
  for (c2 in combinations_without_repetition) {
    for (c3 in combinations_without_repetition) {
      for (c4 in combinations_without_repetition) {
        possible_plan <- list()
        n <- 1
        for (plant in c1) {
          possible_plan[[n]] <- plant
          n <- n + 1
        for (plant in c2) {
          possible_plan[[n]] <- plant
          n <- n + 1
        for (plant in c3) {
          possible_plan[[n]] <- plant
          n <- n + 1
        for (plant in c4) {
          possible_plan[[n]] <- plant
          n <- n + 1
        # überprüfe ob alle pflanzen mindestens ein mal angebaut werden
        if (length(unique(possible_plan)) == length(df$veg)) {
          plans_by_plants[[i]] <- list(c1, c2, c3, c4)
          i <- i + 1
        } else {
          # pass

# überprüfe für jeden plan ob eine gleiche pflanze zur gleichen zeit geerntet wird
plan_no_harvest_collision <- list()
i <- 1
for (plan in plans_by_plants) {
  harvest_plan <- list()
  for (house in plan) {
    harvest_plan_per_house <- list()
    j <- 1
    days <- 0
    for (plant in seq(1, length(house))) {
      days <- days + df[df$veg == house[[plant]], 'time']
      harvest_plan_per_house[[j]] <- paste(house[[plant]], days, sep='_')
      j <- j + 1
    harvest_plan <- c(harvest_plan, harvest_plan_per_house)
  if (length(harvest_plan) == length(unique(harvest_plan))) {
    plan <- list()
    n <- 1
    for (plant in harvest_plan) {
      plan[[n]] <- strsplit(plant, split='_')[[1]][1]
      n <- n + 1
    plan_no_harvest_collision[[i]] <- plan
    i <- i + 1
  } else {
    # pass

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