This is a pseudo followup to this question: Why is ggplot graphing null percentage data points?
Let's say this is my dataset:
Date AE AA AEF Percent
1/1/2012 1211 1000 3556 0.03
1/2/2012 100 2000 3221 0.43
1/3/2012 3423 10000 2343 0.54
1/4/2012 10000 3000 332 0.43
1/5/2012 2342 500 4435 0.43
1/6/2012 2342 800 2342 0.23
1/7/2012 2342 1500 1231 0.12
1/8/2012 111 2300 333
1/9/2012 1231 1313 3433
1/10/2012 3453 5654 222
1/11/2012 3453 3453 454
1/12/2012 5654 7685 3452
> str(data)
'data.frame': 12 obs. of 5 variables:
$ Date : Factor w/ 12 levels "10/11/2012","10/12/2012",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ AE : int 1211 100 3423 10000 2342 2342 2342 111 1231 3453 ...
$ AA : int 1000 2000 10000 3000 500 800 1500 2300 1313 5654 ...
$ AEF : int 3556 3221 2343 332 4435 2342 1231 333 3433 222 ...
$ Percent: num 0.03 0.43 0.54 0.43 0.43 0.23 0.12 NA NA NA ...
I need something to tell that the 'Date' column is a Date type as opposed to a numeric or character type (this is because I have to convert the 'Date' column of the data input into an actual Date with as.Date(), ASSSUMING that I do not know the column names of the data set).
is.numeric(data[[1]]) returns False
is.character(data[[1]]) returns False
I made the 'Date' column in Excel, formatting the column in the 'Date' format, then saved the file as a csv. What type is this in R? I seek an expression similar to the above that returns TRUE.