I'm relatively new to R and I'm trying to better understand how R works under the hood. Often times, I'll get an error that shows syntax that wasn't even in my code. I know there must be a lot of translation going on under the hood. Is there an easy way to see what code is actually executing for a line of code.
For some context, I was using stringr
filterStatement = Orders$clean %like% currow$clean & (Orders$zip5==currow$MailingZip5 | Orders$zip5.1==currow$MailingZip5)
and got this error:
Error in grepl(pattern, vector, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = fixed) :
invalid regular expression 'XXXX (XXXXXX', reason 'Missing ')''
I figured out that %like% is a wrappr for grep but is there a better way to see that when I type
Orders$clean %like% currow$clean
it's getting converted to
grepl(currow$clean, Orders$clean, ignore.case = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)
Thanks in advance!