I am the beginner of R language. I want to write different size vector into csv. Here is code:
my_list = readLines("F://RR//listtest.csv")
eigen <-c()
for(i in 1:length(my_list))
my_data <- read.csv(my_list[i],head=TRUE, row.names =1 )
my_matrix <-as.matrix(my_data)
g1 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(my_matrix, weighted=TRUE,diag = FALSE)
e1 <- eigen_centrality(g1,directed = TRUE)
eigen[[i]] <-e1[["vector"]]
df = data.frame(eigenvalue,eigen)
write.csv(df, "F://RR//outtest.csv")
The first question is due to different size of vector (the max is 14), the data.frame can not be used. The second question is when i use the same size of vector to write into some csv file,it will display like
- Vec1 Vec2 Vec3
1. 2.5 3.5 4.5
2. 1.8 1.6 1.4
3. 1.3 5.8 9.9
but i wanna it display row by row, something like:
- 1 2.5
- 2 3.5
- 3 4.5
- 4 1.8
- 5 1.6
- 6 1.4
- 7 1.3
- 8 5.8
- 9 9.9
I really need your help, thanks lot.