How can we download data from Shiny onto multiple sheets naming each sheet ?
For example, below, ginberg saved the mtcars data in sheet1, can we save the head(mtcars) in sheet2 ? Also, can we name these sheet differently e.g sheet_data, sheet_head
Reference: Code from
ui <- fluidPage(
downloadButton("dl", "Download")
server <- function(input, output) {
data <- mtcars
output$dl <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() { "ae.xlsx"},
content = function(file) {write_xlsx(data, path = file)}
### Trial 1
# output$dl <- downloadHandler(
# filename = function() { "ae.xlsx"},
# content = function(file) {
# fname <- paste(file,"xlsx",sep=".")
# wb <- loadWorkbook(fname, create = T)#createWorkbook()
# createSheet(wb, name = "data")
# writeWorksheet(wb, head(mtcars), sheet = "sheet_head")
# saveWorkbook(wb)
# file.rename(fname, file)}
# Trial 2
# filename = function() {"both_data.xlsx"},
# content = function(file) {
# write_xlsx(mtcars, file="sheet_data.xlsx")
# write_xlsx(head(mtcars), file="sheet_head.xlsx")
# channel <- odbcConnectExcel(xls.file = file,readOnly=FALSE)
# sqlSave(channel, mtcars, tablename = "sheet_data")
# sqlSave(channel, head(mtcars), tablename = "sheet_head")
# odbcClose(channel)
shinyApp(ui, server)