How to access data name from a list of time-series in R?
I'm newbie in programming and came across with a problem that I don't know how to solve.Trying to run some tests in time series, such as adf.test() and kpss.test(). The example above is using...
View Articlepath error in pkgdown article with multiple bibliographies
I have a vignette of a R-package with multiple bibliographies (MB), using a lua filter. When I try to turn the vignette with MB into a pkgdown article I got an error for the .lua and .bib files, that...
View ArticleHow can I annotate my genes in R using the select( function if...
I am trying to figure out how I can annotate my set of genes using the following approach so that I can perform a pathway analysis of my annotated differentially expressed genesThis is the line of code...
View ArticleR: subset a data frame with a vector that tells from what column to take...
This question already has an answer here:Subset a matrix according to a columns vector 2 answersI have a data frame with 3 columns and a vector with values ranging between 1 and 3 (# of columns in my...
View ArticleWebScraping Amazons Books Names
I am trying to webscrape Amazon's books names: rm(list = ls()) library(rvest) library(XML) library(xml2) url_amazon <-...
View ArticleDescriptives Tabel with arsenal tableby - operator as.numeric - change labels
I'd like to generate a descriptive Table using arsenal. Unfortunately some of the data is a factor.Here is the dfdf<-data.frame(group=rep(c("A","B","c"),3), value1=c(1:9),...
View ArticleR - Coding an internet speed test
On occasion, I have a spotty internet connection or a severely reduced internet connection and I would like to automate web scraping activities. Often times I download files with R, ranging from very...
View Articleselect columns based on range condition and containing also NA values
Based on my question hereI have a dataset : I want to keep columns based on values range : all values of subsetted columns must be between 99 an 1000. var1 <- c(333, NA, 456) var2 <- c(3, 10,...
View ArticleCombining ergm analysis results for several networks
Good day, everyone. I'm not sure that this is a correct section for my question. I have 44 small networks (from 110 to 415 nodes) and I need to analyse them with the help of ERGM. For this purpose I...
View ArticleSVM algortihm use shape to differentiate succesfull predictions and errors in R
It´s my first post so apologies i´m im skipping procedures. I´ve tried to look for a similar answer but didnt found it.I have to differentiate succesfull predictions from a svm algorithm from errors...
View ArticleHow to use superscript in facet_wrap labels in R?
In my facet_label i would like to use superscript such as in Figure below 3 should be superscript to m. Also i would like to assign degree sign with C in the temperature subplots. Also, i would like to...
View ArticleLoop in R to find the max of a matrix
Hello i have a 3 x 2 with the age and the weight.I have to find the maximum of the age and the weight with a loop.can somebody help me?
View ArticleHow can I view the computed varialbles computed by ggplot2 geom_boxplot?
I have created some boxplots using ggplot2 geom_boxplot. I see that it computes a set of variables on my dataframe; width, ymin, lower, notchlower, middle, notchupper, upper, and ymax. It seems like...
View ArticleExtract table from a JavaScript based webpage
I want to extract the table under the Option Chain tab of the following webpage using R - am trying to use rvest for this purpose, however the...
View ArticleR function/method to sample data frame using probability until condition is...
I have a data frame with 3 columns:ObjectID: the unique identifier of a polygon (or row) AvgWTRisk: probability (0-1) of a disturbance in a forest, ~0.11 is the highest value HA: AREA of a polygon in...
View ArticleSplit column into rows when the Delimiter is vertical bar ( | ) in R [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here:Split data frame string column into multiple columns 15 answers#Input Table :- Movie Genre Avatar Action|Sci-Fi #Output Table Required <- Movie Genre Avatar...
View ArticleWhy is my data showing as stationary in R?
I decomposed the time series using STL and it shows to have trend and seasonality, therefore I know it cannot be stationary. When I do kpss.test, the p-value = 0.07 and ndiffs = 0... How can this be?
View ArticleSpace between figure and caption RMarkdown PDF
I need to reduce the space between a caption and figure in my RMarkdown PDF document. I am using bookdown. Following the example here, I tried setting the length above and below the caption using the...
View ArticleError: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyverse’ in loadNamespace
I'm getting the following error when I'm loading tidyverse. It was all working fine a few minutes ago when I was running my shinyapp. How should I resolve this?Error: package or namespace load failed...
View Articleggplot within shiny renderPlot(), when passing input$myinput, input not found
In my Shiny app, I have a ggplot which is supposed to update based on user inputs. However, for one of these inputs I am receiving an error of the form "Error: object [input$myinput] not found" e.g....
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