How to ggplot using facet_wrap functionality with multiple attribute
I am trying to create a three row facet_wrapggplot where i want to see both Calibration and Validation data but with their own legends. The code below gives me plot where i see Upstream, Midstream, and...
View Articleggplot density plot for multiple groups
Using R ggplot to plot density plot for multiple plot.Using the following data.frame:set.seed(1234) df <- data.frame( sex=factor(rep(c("F", "M"), each=5)), weight=round(c(rnorm(5, mean=0, sd=0),...
View ArticleHow to process a list of .csv dataframe
Sorry for newbie question here, What happened is I wrote a series of code to process one .csv data frame. Here is what code (sample version)looks like:MyFile <- read.csv(tk_choose.files(caption =...
View ArticleWhy am I unable to use cor.test() for point-biserial data?
I'm solving a task in Andy's Discovering Statistics using R. It's about gender and arousal for certain films. The data frame used is called chickFlick, and it looks as follows: gender film arousal 1...
View ArticleGenerate column id
I am working with log data; trying to find the round number of each event. The start of a round is signaled by action=="start". I want to create a "action.round" columns that tells me which round each...
View ArticleComparing two data frames with the same column and row names
I am trying to compare two data frames with the same column and row names but have different values. And select the columns with 20% change in values. I am trying to use compareDF package example here...
View ArticleColumn names not showing in random number generation using function 'rmsn' in...
Using a dataframe, df, containing several S&P500 stocks monthly returns, I generated the inputs required for the multivariate random normal distribution function rmsn in the R package...
View ArticleAverage per interval using dplyr in R
I would like to get the average of the different variables in a data frame over a specified intervals.My data has varying pressure level (pres column in the following data). I would like to bin this in...
View ArticleHow to find all possible "continuous" paths of a matrix / network / graph in R
I am interested in determining all of the possible "continuous" paths of an NxN matrix in R and returning their result. By "continuous" I mean that we can travel without lifting up your pencil/digit....
View ArticleHow to generate organisational chart/tree with numbers
I am currently trying to generate an organisation structure/tree for my organization with some aggregated data. This is quite a large organisation so there will be hundreds of nodes and edges. I am...
View ArticleHow to output from R as APA-Style Table?
In order to include tables in my shared word processing documents (I'm stuck using MS Word) I currently have to recreate them in the Word document itself. Is there a relatively "easy" way (e.g., not...
View Articleemacs ESS ess-execute-screen-options to width - 2
I love how ESS can auto-adjust the R process's width to match the emacs window width (with ess-execute-screen-options), but ... I'd like to set the process to the width minus 2 characters ... anyone...
View ArticleCount number of NAs in Column Using Dplyr in R [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here:R: how to total the number of NA in each col of data.frame 5 answersI have a dataframe with 4 columns Type, Color, Diameter, Mass and want to create a new...
View ArticleR interactive stacked area chart using long data.frame or ggplotly
I am recreating the interactive plot from the plotly example code below (found here) but I'm wondering if a long data.frame format can be used to avoid adding an individual add_trace function for each...
View ArticleNA in-between values --> False Correlations and Plots?
I have a problem regarding predicting values based on a model under the condition that the values have NA in-between (see code below as an example). As you can see in the plot, the predicted line seems...
View ArticleI wish to keep/discard items in a PURRR nested list based on a sublist within...
I have sets of weather station data which I wish to compare by site. I need to do this efficiently because each set is large and I wish to build my experience with PURRR. My issue concerns use of the...
View ArticleIs there any way to use parallel to speed up a plotVenn () process?
I am trying to make a venn diagram with 15 sets. I could do it with 9, using the nVennR package, but I had to plot it 22 times to compact the result.myV <- createVennObj(nSets = 9, sNames =...
View ArticleEfficiently populating rows given possible values for each variable in R
I have a dataframe with 42 variables, each of which have different possible values. I am aiming to create a much larger dataframe which contains a row for each possible combination of values for each...
View ArticleMerge two data sets with indicator variable on Non-merges
I have two data sets. Lets call them Master data and Using data. I merged the using data into the master data using 3 keys. I included the all=TRUE argument to keep all merged and non-merged...
View ArticleAdd each element from one list to the corresponding element of the another...
I have two lists, with the same length, I want to add the first element of second list to the first element of the first list and so on. here is my example: # the mock Data is m1<-...
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